On the Basis of Sex Review: Some solid performances – particularly Felicity Jones in the title role – and a timely message prop up a safe, by the numbers film.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse review - It’s funny, engaging, and action packed. This is a great holiday film that the whole family can enjoy together.
Ralph Breaks the Internet review - Ralph Breaks the Internet is a solid sequel that elevates the fun of the first film and packs a lot of heart. The core relationship between Ralph and Vanellope is so relatable and brought to life by endearing performances from Reilly and Silverman.
Aquaman review - Aquaman is a successful movie that defies the odds. A film built on the premise of a character forgotten and ridiculed for decades, it works where other comic book movies fail by embracing the character's past and doing it with gusto.
Creed II review - Creed II suffers from familiarity; anyone who has ever seen a sports movie before - heck, any of the previous entries in the Rocky Saga before - knows how these normally go. The fun isn't in seeing these tropes play out, but in the details.
First Man review - This is a dazzling, passionate journey of the human spirit catapulting itself into the vastness of the universe, searching for that connection between us all. First Man is first rate.
Destroyer review - Destroyer is one of the best of the genre, and Nicole Kidman blesses us with a character that is powerful, honest, gritty, and accomplished.
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