Victorian Era Movies

Index for some of my favourite artists
[click on each artist's name to see more]

Although this site is called Enchanted Serenity of Period Films, I've recently gathered a few of thepaintings that have caught my eye. I've been delighted to find more creations by the same artist when I had previously only known one or two pieces of their artwork. For instance, one of my favourite paintings hasbeen Empress Eugenie Surrounded by Her Ladies in Waiting. Once I discovered the painting's title, I was thrilled to discover the story behind Franz Xavier Winterhalter and many of his other paintings as one of the regal court's favoured artists (including of Queen Victoria). Other artists that impressed me with their style and setting include Edmund Blair Leighton, Sir Frank Dicksee and John William Waterhouse.

An example of a court painter with favoured patronage

~ see more paintings of the last French Empress

More paintings by the "painter of princes" who was in constant demand
by the courts of Britain, Spain,Belgium, Russia, Mexico, the German courts, and France.

Imagining what would be beyond the canvas...
If Artists Had More Paint...

The Language of a Parasol 
led me to some paintings and photographs